Monday, June 13, 2011

Just a quick note to say: thank you!

I just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who was involved with the field school. We really had a fantastic crew and a fantastic time. Thanks especially to Charles Hartley for being our illustrious leader, the grad students who actually know a thing or two about archaeology for helping the rest of us along, our wonderful guest speakers, and Sister Karen and the other Sisters for inviting us out in the first place; we really appreciate your generosity and the use of your lovely campus. I know I learned a great deal over the last few weeks, and feel like this field school really rounded out a lot of my sometimes quite patchy knowledge of field methods. It was fantastic to see an archaeological investigation from start to finish instead of in bits and pieces, and to participate at almost every stage of the process. Looking at my notes, I'm astounded by what we managed to do basically over the course of seven Saturdays, and we couldn't have done it without the hard work and willing spirit of everyone involved. Cheers!

Here are some pictures of everyone hard at work. Measuring angles to determine excavation unit boundaries:

Screening material from Unit 1:

Taking end-of-level notes on Unit 3:

And opening up shop for a new day of excavation:

Plus, this turkey:

Which reminds me: What do you get when you cross a turkey with a centipede? A drumstick for everybody! Have a good Summer, everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Andrew..Nicely said, I totally agree and am also amazed at all we covered and accomplished this quarter..and who knows maybe we may see each other in the field again one day soon!


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